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  • Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form

    Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form

About Us

At Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form, we are an ambitious inclusive 11-19 mixed comprehensive school that places the journey of the child at the centre of everything we do. We have a clear aim for our students and staff: “Enjoy, Enrich, Achieve & Aspire”.  As a school our ambition is to be “An outstanding school in the heart of the community.”  These messages underpin everything we do.

We want to work with colleagues who put the students at the centre of everything we do, but also take the opportunities we can offer them to develop their careers and fulfil their own aspirations.

Notley High & Braintree Sixth Form is part of the Bridge Academy Trust: a collegiate and collaborative Trust, where, first and foremost, each school is a place of high quality learning, where young people ENJOY, ENRICH, ACHIEVE & ASPIRE. The core purpose is to provide high quality continuity of every child’s journey through education from 3 to 19, with a community and school-led school improvement approach and long-term sustainable strategy. Bridge Academy Trust is committed to its people strategy and prioritises staff’s development to ensure they too can enjoy, enrich, achieve and aspire.

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